vaadin-grid Data Sources

Inline Data

Easiest way to show simple data inside vaadin-grid is to define it in the tbody element. This type of a source is typically meant for static data of limited size.

Name Value Progress
Project A 10000 0.8
Project B 999999 0.8

Function Data Sources

Data sources defined as JavaScript functions provide more robustness and support displaying larger sets of data in vaadin-grid.

var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { // code var data = [ [ "Project A", 10000, 0.8 ], [ "Project B", 87654, 0.2 ], [ "Project C", 12999, 0.6 ] ]; grid.items = function(params, callback) { callback(data.slice(params.index, params.index + params.count)); }; grid.size = data.length; // end-code });

JS objects as Data rows

Data consisting of JS objects can be mapped directly to vaadin-grid columns. Use property to map to the corresponding key in the object. Nested property names are also supported.

var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { // code grid.items = [ { projectName: "Project A", cost: {estimate: 10000, current: 8000 } }, { projectName: "Project B", cost: {estimate: 20000, current: 11000 } }, { projectName: "Project C", cost: {estimate: 15000, current: 1000 } } ]; // Optionally set the column names in JS grid.columns[0].name = "projectName"; grid.columns[1].name = "cost.estimate"; // end-code });

Single column Data Sources

If the data is an array of primitive values (number, boolean, string) vaadin-grid presents it in a single column by default.

var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { // code grid.items = ["Steel", "Dr. Manhattan", "Batman", "Black Widow", "Rorschach", "Gambit", "Swamp Thing", "Mystique", "Ozymandias", "Bubastis", "Ozymandias", "Magneto", "Goat Faced Girl", "Aqualad", "Mister Fantastic", "Superman", "Iron Monger", "Professor X", "Namor the Sub-Mariner", "Namorita", " Rocket Raccoon", " The Penguin", "Lex Luthor", "Martian Man Hunter", "Pepper Potts", "Fin Fang Foom", "Elongated Man", "Savage Dragon", "Thing", "Thor Odinson", "The Maxx", "Deadpool", "Storm", "Sabertooth", "Jezebel Jet", "Darwin", "Sasquatch", "Abe (Abraham) Sapien", "The Goon", "Ra’s Al Ghul", "Oracle", "Hellboy", " Doctor Doom", " Solomon Grundy", "Ferro Lad"]; // end-code });

Asynchronous Data Sources

vaadin-grid is informed of available data by calling the callback function. Required arguments are the data as an array and the full size of the source data as row count.

This example uses a timeout to simulate lazily loading data. Scroll vaadin-grid down fast to see the data loading with a delay.

var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { // code grid.items = function(params, callback) { setTimeout(function() { callback(employees.slice(params.index, params.index + params.count)); }, 400); }; grid.size = employees.length; // end-code });

Changing the data

In case the source data changes dynamically, vaadin-grid must be notified with refreshItems() so it knows to fetch updates for the currently cached data.

Whenever new rows are added to or existing ones are removed from the end of the data set, refreshItems() can be skipped and grid.size property updated instead.

var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { // code // Define the items var data = [ [ "Project A", 10000, 0.8 ], [ "Project B", 87654, 0.2 ], [ "Project C", 12999, 0.6 ] ]; grid.items = data; // Clicking the button changes the data addButton('Remove the first row', function() { data.splice(0, 1); // Data size was reduced so size property needs an update grid.size = data.length; // We also need to clear the cached data set as data was removed from the // beginning of the list (causing the remaining rows to shift upwards) grid.refreshItems(); }); // end-code });

Changing data source size dynamically

Aside the explicit size property, vaadin-grid can be informed about the data source size trough a callback parameter in data source request. This comes in handy when the size changes frequently or if the total size isn't even known beforehand.

Infinite scrolling is an example use case where this api might be useful.

var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { grid.size = 10; grid.scrollToStart(); // code grid.items = function(params, callback) { // Fetch the JSON data from a URL var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { if (xhr.status == 200) { var json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); var size = grid.size; if (params.index + params.count == size) { // Requested for the final batch of data, increase the size size += 10; } callback(json.results, size); // Update footer label grid.footer.getCell(0, 0).content = "Current size: " + size; } } } var rowsNeeded = Math.max(params.count, 1);"GET", randomUserUrl + "?results=" + rowsNeeded, true); xhr.send(); }; // end-code });

Remote data source

Data fetched dynamically from a remote source may be hooked to vaadin-grid with a custom data source implementation.

Notice that size is declared as an attribute in this example.

# Pic First Name Last Name Email
var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { // code grid.items = function(params, callback) { // Fetch the JSON data from a URL var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { if (xhr.status == 200) { var json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); callback(json.results); } } } var rowsNeeded = Math.max(params.count, 1);"GET", randomUserUrl + "?results=" + rowsNeeded, true); xhr.send(); }; // Add a renderer for the index column grid.columns[0].renderer = function(cell) { cell.element.innerHTML = cell.row.index; } // Add a renderer for the picture column grid.columns[1].renderer = function(cell) { cell.element.innerHTML = ""; var img = document.createElement("img"); = "24px"; img.setAttribute("src",; cell.element.appendChild(img); } // end-code });