vaadin-grid Headers and Footers

Customizing headers and footers

Headers and footer can be customized in the thead element and footers respectively in the tfoot section

JavaScript API exposes the header and footer objects for same functionality. Excluding the default row property headers and footers share the same exact API.

Employee Responsibility
First Name Last Name Operation Product
var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { grid.items = employees; // code // Adding and removing headers and footers in JavaScript grid.header.addRow(1, ["First Name", "Last Name", "Operation", "Product"]); grid.header.removeRow(2); grid.footer.addRow(); grid.footer.removeRow(0); // end-code });

Cell colspan

Colspan property defines the count of columns a single header/footer cell should span.

The value can be set either declaratively trough the lightDom API or programmatically with the cell API header.getCell(rowIndex, colIndex).colspan.

Employee Responsibility
var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { grid.items = employees; // code // Cell API can be used to define cell colspans. grid.header.getCell(0, 0).colspan = 2; grid.header.getCell(0, 2).colspan = 2; // end-code });

Cell content

Typically header/footer cells contain plain text but also HTML or even custom elements may be wrapped in the cells.

Cell content can be placed declaratively using the table element's thead section or in JavaScript by modifying header.getCell(rowIndex, colIndex).content property.

Employee Activity
var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); var filterElement = document.createElement("input"); filterElement.setAttribute("type", "search"); filterElement.setAttribute("placeholder", "Filter..."); = "100%"; var timer = 0; function filter(){ clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(grid.refreshItems.bind(grid), 500); } filterElement.addEventListener("keyup", filter); filterElement.addEventListener("click", filter); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { grid.items = function(params, callback) { var filterValue = filterElement.value.toLowerCase(); var data = employees.filter(function(val){ return (val.toString().toLowerCase()).indexOf(filterValue) != -1 } ); var slice = data.slice(params.index, params.index + params.count); callback(slice, data.length); }; grid.then(function(){ // code grid.header.getCell(1, 0).content = filterElement; // end-code }); });

Custom styles

Class names for header/footer rows and cells can be assigned with either the class attribute in the lightDom API or header.setRowClassName and cell.className in the JavaScript API.

First Name Last Name
var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { grid.items = employees; // code // Set the class names using JavaScript API grid.header.setRowClassName(0, "firstrow"); grid.header.getCell(0, 1).className = "lastcell"; // end-code });

Default row

Default row in the grid header is the row that contains sort-indicators if sorting rules are applied and the "select all" checkbox on multi-select mode.

Employee Responsibility
First Last Operation Product
var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { grid.items = employees; // code // Set the default row using JavaScript API grid.header.defaultRow = 1; // end-code });

Footer with dynamic text content

First Name Last Name Score
Number of selected rows: 0 total
var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); function totalScore(employees) { var initialValue = employees[0][2]; return employees.reduce(function (prev, curr, index, array) { return prev + curr[2]; }, initialValue); } HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { grid.items = employees; // code grid.addEventListener("selected-items-changed", function(e) { grid.$$("#selected-counter").textContent = grid.selection.size; }); grid.$$("#total-score").textContent = totalScore(employees); // end-code });


# First Name Last Name Email
var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); function loadData(page, count) { // Fetch the JSON data from a URL var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { if (xhr.status == 200) { var json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); json.results.forEach(function(row, index){ row.index = (page - 1) * count + index + 1; }); grid.items = json.results; } } };"GET", randomUserUrl + "?results=" + count, true); xhr.send(); } HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { var count = 10; loadData(1, count); // code grid.$$("#prev").addEventListener('click', function(e) { var input = grid.$$("#page"); var value = parseInt(input.value); if (value > parseInt(input.min)) { var page = value - 1; input.value = page; loadData(page, count); } e.stopPropagation(); }); grid.$$("#next").addEventListener('click', function(e) { var input = grid.$$("#page"); var value = parseInt(input.value); if (value < parseInt(input.max)) { var page = value + 1; input.value = page; loadData(page, count); } e.stopPropagation(); }); grid.$$("#page").addEventListener('input', function(e) { if (this.validity.valid) { loadData(parseInt(this.value), count); } }); // end-code grid.$$("#page").addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); // Add a renderer for the index column grid.columns[0].renderer = function(cell) { cell.element.innerHTML =; }; // Add a renderer for the picture column grid.columns[1].renderer = function(cell) { cell.element.innerHTML = ""; var img = document.createElement("img"); = "24px"; img.setAttribute("src",; cell.element.appendChild(img); }; });

Auto generated header text

When the content of a header cell on the default header row hasn't content defined, it falls back to the column name (if available) converted to human-readable form.

var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { grid.items = [{ index: 1, user: { name: { firstName: "Manolo", surname: "Pirolo" }, email: "", job_info: "Developer" } },{ index: 1, user: { name: { firstName: "Julián", surname: "Gañán" }, email: "", job_info: "Designer" } }]; });