vaadin-grid Sizing and Styling

Sizing the grid

If vaadin-grid is not assigned any bounds externally it will size automatically by itself. By default it will take 100% of the horizontal space available and its default height depends on the number of contained data rows.

Standard CSS rules can be used to set a size for the grid or alternatively vaadin-grid can be assigned a pre-defined height (in rows) either declaratively in the DOM API or programmatically with the JS API

Name Surname Activity
var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { grid.items = employees; // code // Setting the explicit row count in JavaScript grid.visibleRows = 5; // end-code });

Styling Rows

vaadin-grid data rows can be labeled with individual class names by setting a rowClassGenerator.

var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { grid.items = employees; // code grid.rowClassGenerator = function(row) { var activity =[2]; return 'activity-' + activity.toLowerCase(); }; // end-code });

Styling Cells

Single data cells can be styled with the help of a cellClassGenerator.

var grid = grid || document.querySelector("vaadin-grid"); HTMLImports.whenReady(function() { grid.items = employees; // code grid.cellClassGenerator = function(cell) { if (cell.index == 2) { var activity =[2]; return 'activity-' + activity.toLowerCase(); } return ''; }; // end-code });

Styling with Custom Properties

The grid uses --default-primary-color from paper-styles as a highlight color.

Modifying the row height is enabled with --vaadin-grid-row-height custom property. For header and footer heights use --vaadin-grid-header-row-height and/or --vaadin-grid-footer-row-height properties.

/* // code <style is="custom-style"> vaadin-grid { --default-primary-color: red; --vaadin-grid-row-height: 36px; --vaadin-grid-header-row-height: 44px; --vaadin-grid-footer-row-height: 44px; } </style> // end-code */